Sunday 12 October 2008


to glean any form of understanding from this ramble, read this.

well it's been a quiet week for posting, and for that i apologize (should that put my karma score down already?). blogging seems to happen in waves for me, there can be days where i'm in the mood, and i feel the need to get out my thoughts about something, or share a particular piece of music or video with you guys. then there can be days where i'm just too tired, either from university or excessive alcohol consumption, and all i want to do is relax, watch a film or something, anything that i can passively enjoy. and it's been one of those weeks.

since i changed my option choices at uni, from SFX to japanese, i've got a lot more early mornings. the sound module was pretty much just a lecture and a lab session, but with japanese i'm in an extra five hours a week, and for some reason, most of the classes start at 9AM. any of you who work will right now be telling me to quit whining and being pathetic, but us students fall very easily into a lazy slump of not wanting to get up before 11AM, maybe it's a british thing. whenever i watch american films, the kids always seem to be up for fucking 6 in the morning and do a heap of stuff before they even get to school. most of my friends rolled out of bed half an hour before school started. anyway.

yeah so japanese is much more of a workload than SFX would have been, and it demands much more study time. sure SFX would have been an easy pass, but it wouldn't have been useful to me. so i've picked the right module now, even if it means more work... surely thats a few points up on the karma scale? well no, because it's not exactly selfless is it. damn. notice that i engage in conversation with myself too often? yeah i do that when i'm watching TV aswell, voicing my opinion outloud to myself when there isn't anyone to hear it. it's a bit like this blog i guess, an excercise in self indulgence. (i'm joking, we do get some readers. don't we my precious?).

this isn't actually even what i planned to write about just now. it's just been pointless rambling. maybe i should change the name of this thing. i was going to go into what i did last night and how it might affect my karma, but to be honest, i'm bored of typing now. maybe another day. could this be the most redundant post i've made on this site so far? could it's lack of point possibly be beaten? find out next time in - FUTILE RAMBLINGS OF A GUY WHO QUESTIONS HIMSELF FAR TOO OFTEN. there i've changed the name, the karma thing was stupid anyway.

1 comment:

LaNomad said...

I liked the karma meter! Bring it back! Creeping+Music=fun.

Some of us need a comparison to see how they are doing. I'm aiming for ladybug in the next life.

Early mornings are a sign of bad karma.