Wednesday 9 April 2008

make every weekend a vampire weekend,

i'd been holding off on doing this feature for a couple of days, it just seems that vampire weekend are everywhere just now, but i finally gave up resisting and trying to do something different, well for the day at least.

the self titled debut record is a complete revelation. vampire weekend combine keyboard, vocal gymnastics, strings and the best drumming i've heard on an indie album in some time (maybe since bloc party's matt tong was introduced to us). the tracks range from catchy pop tunes like "a punk" and "campus" to sweeping string/piano lead numbers like "walcott". these guys are the opposite of your formulaic indie band, the variety is stunning, one track "cape cod kwassa kwassa" even sounds like old school paul simon.

it's one of the only new album's i've heard so far this year that i can listen to fully and repeatedly without skipping or getting bored of any of the tracks. i'll be going to see them (when they come to glasgow's abc next month) and if you get the chance you should too.

this really is varied and well structured pop music at i'ts best.

download: vampire weekend - oxford comma

download: vampire weekend - M79

download: vampire weekend - walcott

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